
Tulsi Green Tea


Who knew that if you drink a cup of our Tulsi Turmeric Green Tea, your internal organs will thank you? But it’s not just their gratitude you’ll feel; the refreshing aroma and health benefits of this tea make it an all-around favorite. Wake up to a K-cup for yourself or your loved one!

Ingredients – Darjeeling green tea, tulsi, turmeric and ginger
Caffine contain – Medium
Origin – Darjeeling, India
Benefits– Tulsi is known for its medicinal value in indian household with qualities like anti bacterial and anti viral, with weight control and immunity boosting of green tea, turmeric lending its ant-inflammatory. Overall combined with ginger gives a soothing experience and helps you heal within.
Storage – Store in the pouch or transfer it to air tight container, keep away from sunlight.

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