
Daily Green Tea


This single estate organic certified tea from Arya is a bio-dynamic Darjeeling green tea. Full orthodox leaves, minimally processed to preserve the goodness of green leaf and seal all its anti-oxidant properties. This brews a healthy decoction for multiple steepings that are naturally sweet tasting with very less bitterness or astringency. Bio might be next year’s big thing in the fads world of yuppies, so get an early start while stocks last!

Origin -Arya tea estate,Darjeeling,India
Season– Autumn flush
Batch no – ex89
Caffine contain – medium
Elevation – 900 to 1820m
Plantation area– 300 acres
Storage – Store in the pouch or transfer it to air tight container, keep away from sunlight.

SKU: darjeelingsips-daily-green-tea Categories: ,