
Jasmine Green Tea


Jasmine green tea is an elixir for your taste buds that was first created sometime in history. In this spirit of celebration, we share with you the recipe and offer a resplendent bouquet of flavour and benefits from this blessed brew.We use real jasmine blossoms to provide an authentic flavour profile as well as traditional blends -alongside leaves-to give you the truly wonderful experience that’s been crafted for centuries.

Ingredients – Darjeeling green tea and jasmine buds
Caffeine contain – Medium
Origin – Darjeeling, India
Benefits-Packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, jasmine tea helps promote beautiful healthy skin, boosts the immune system and helps alleviate aches and pains. The fragrant aroma of the tea is known to reduce stress and induce calm.
Storage – Store in the pouch or transfer it to air tight container, keep away from sunlight.

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